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How to wear a Sundstrom SR100 Respirator Mask properly

19 August 2022
Brendan Clayton

How to wear a Sundstrom SR100 Respirator Mask properly

The Sundstrom SR100 Half Face Respirator is made in Sweden by Sundstrom Respiratory Protection and is by far the best respirator on the Australian market, with its silicone face piece it gives the wearer hours of comfortable usage.

We often get asked how to put on a SR100 Mask properly so we thought it would be great to share the below video demonstrating how to put the mask on.



We hope this short video gives you a good understanding and demonstration on how to fit the SR100 Sundstrom Respirator to your face.

The Sundstrom SR 100 is a very comfortable respirators built for extremely heavy duty work. Made of premium silicone to provide optimum comfort for the user. 

The mask is equipped with two exhalation valves, which ensures very low exhalation resistance. Valve covers with baffles effectively protect the exhalation membrane against dust and paint mist.

The Sundstrom SR100 Respirator is the most popular respirator used in the Asbestos and Hazmat industries due to its extreme performance levels and all day operator comfort.

The easily adjustable elastic head harness of the mask is designed as a V-shaped loop and has a large, dished crown plate, which contributes towards a comfortable and secure fit.

The Compressed air attachment SR 307 can be connected. A pre-filter holder is included that suits the Sundstrom SR221 prefilters. The respirator includes a test disc for simple checking of respirator performance. Best stored in box SR 230.

  • Inhalation resistance at 30 l/min ≈ 3 Pa ≤ 50 Pa
  • Exhalation resistance at 160 l/min ≈ 70 Pa ≤ 300 Pa
  • Service temperature -10 – +55 °C, < 90 % RH
  • Storage temperature -20 – +40 °C, < 90 % RH
  • Weight ≈ 179 g
  • Assigned Protection Factor¹ 20 (P3), 10 (GasX), 10 (GasX P3)
  • Nominal Protection Factor2 48 (P3), 50 (GasX), 48 (GasX P3)


  • Tested in accordance with EN 140:1998 
  • Nominal protection factor 50
  • Specified in BS 4275, and applies generally to all half masks with particle filters P3, regardless of the test results.
  • According to EN 529:2005

Note: Filters & cartridges sold separately

For all your Sundstrom Respiratory needs please contact the Industroquip team on 1300 554 192 or email



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